Guidelines for computer services:
- Wi-Fi for campus
a. Main Campus Buildings Wi-Fi: SSID (wireless network name): mhuwireless
b. Residence Halls Wi-Fi: SSID (wireless network name): mhuresidence - Do not share your passwords with anyone.
- Understand Phishing. Every person is responsible to verify sender identity and
information before opening attachments or providing credentials to login to see
- Look for [ext] to see if the email that appears to be from an MHU address is actually from a non-MHU email.
- Think about what an email is asking you to do before responding. Most phishing attacks want immediate action.
- Is the request reasonable? If a message is asking for you to send money, iTunes cards, banking information etc. it is almost always a scam.
- Is it a link to a shared document from Office 365, Google Drive or another cloud provider? VERIFY it is authentic before opening the link.
- When you get a notification on your phone from Microsoft Authenticator to allow a logon do not allow it unless you are actually attempting to sign in.
- Be wary of fraud. Never respond to anyone requesting you to send money or buy gift
cards. - Report phishing or other fraud to the IT Help Desk (e.g. helpdesk@mhu.edu).
- Every person is responsible to protect your personal information as well as the
information of others. Look at every communication with a critical eye. - Use ClassLink (https://launchpad.classlink.com/marshill) for access to all MHU systems
(MyMHU, Moodle, SelfService, etc.) - Links to ITS social media to keep up-to-date on all things IT:
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/marshilltechnology
Instagram – MHU_IT